Is it possible to just be good friends with a former lover?
Well, the word ?lover? has many different meanings, and the answer may vary depending on whether we are discussing a long-term relationship or a one night stand.
However, even if you have spent a substantial portion of your life with and have had a good relationship with another person, a healthy friendship is possible even if you are no longer involved with one another, as long as that relationship was based on shared values and ideas.
After all, relationships evolve. The understanding that two partners had for each other when they were lovers could actually be leveraged to establish a stable friendship.
On the other hand, if there is any negativity on either side left over from the previous relationship, then, unfortunately, a friendship may no longer be possible.
In any relationship between a man and a woman there is always a certain sexual element present, no matter how minor it may be. In most relationships, this can be suppressed. In a friendship with an ex, it is possible to accept this attraction and, as it has already been experienced, to understand it.
Of course, one party may feel a lingering attraction more than the other, but in this case it?s easier to ignore such residual feelings and to enjoy a certain level of comfort with one another.
Both parties tend to understand each other more intimately than they would in a casual relationship and it may be easier to talk through problems.Open communication is key in any relationship, whether you and your ex have new love interests or not. In order for a relationship to work you should neither hide your past nor do things that you feel you need to hide.
If you are involved in a new relationship, your bigger concern may be in resolving your old relationship with your current partner. He or she may be insecure about your old relationship, especially if you continue communications with your ex.
Ultimately, your current relationship is of primary importance. People compromise on their old relationships and even their careers for the sake of their current relationship. Talking things over with your current partner is critical.
It?s possible that your former lover can be a platonic friend who not only relates to your new relationship but can casually rib you about your old one. It?s all about your level of sensitivity, that of your new partner, and the dynamics between you, your friend and your new partner. These Will resolve themselves according to each party?s position in the current relationship.
Your perspective is not so much dependent on your gender but on your beliefs about right and wrong. If the other persons involved in your relationship are of a similar mindset than they are more likely to perceive, react and resolve things just as you would.
Recommended resource:
?Friends Into Lovers! How To Turn Your Female Friend Into Your Eager Lover!!? Click Here!
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